Contact us
On our official web page, messengers or social platforms.
In each individual situation we will choose the best fitting sollution.
We work with organizations and individuals.
We deliver products and provide services within 3 days.
We specialize in providing quality services. Qualified employees will carefully study your needs and offer the most favorable service conditions. All specialists are professionals who love their work. You can safely trust us. Our main task is to implement the ideas and wishes of our clients with maximum quality performance using the latest technologies.
Send a requestWe have repaired more than 10 000 devices, we will repair yours too.
After repair, we will bring back and reconnect your device free of charge.
We try to make trips as soon as possible.
We provide above-standard services such as diagnostics.
We have expert-level technicians, and thanks to narrow specialization, our technicians have gained invaluable experience.
We use original spare parts and provide an extended warranty for service work up to 6 months after the repair.
No problem - please click the online request button and fill out the form. We will contact you and settle on a date for taking the device to the service center.
Send the requestPodľa dohody mal opravár prísť v čase medzi 17:00 až 18:00. Neprišiel, ani sa neozval. Potom volal o 18:15, ale po premrhanej hodine čakania som to už ani neriešil. Stať sa môže všeličo, človek pochopí, ale slušnosť káže zobrať trúbku a aspoň niečo povedať alebo napísať. Jedna z…
Dosť to chválite,ale bohužiaľ moja objednávka a naviac urgovana zostala bez povšimnutia.Cakate celý deň na dohodnutý termín a nikto nič. Ani omluva že sa zdržia... Mrzí ma ale jedna hviezda stačí
Za mňa chválim rýchlosť dohodnutia termínu a to, že závadu mi na práčke páni odstránili (hoc to znamenalo v mojom prípade len odstránenie uvoľneného závažia), avšak mám 2 dôležité výhrady: - Páni priamo po diagnostike odstránili závažie a vypýtali si sumu za opravu, kdežto ma v…